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"This is a Test" can now be found on Amazon!

purchase your copy here

Many have asked me:

How did you know you had this ability? • When did it start? • Were you scared? • How did you get to where you are today? •  Did you receive training? • What did you do before you were a Medium? • Can you or are you reading my mind right now?


And the questions have never stopped.

So, my manager Wendy and I began writing my story. We had no idea where this venture would take us. After over two years in the making, the long-awaited book is here! “Debbie Wojciechowski: This Medium’s Path,” edited and published by Bryan England of BC England Books, is finally available to everyone! Now you too can know my story. Beginning with my childhood, discover the incredible path I’ve followed, making me the person you see today. Get to know the people I’ve met, the experiences I’ve survived, the instruction and training I’ve received, and how my gifts have become a part of my life. Have all of your questions answered, and more!

There are three ways to get a copy of “Debbie Wojciechowski: This Medium’s Path”:

  • On ($20 plus $4 shipping)

  • At any Medium Debbie Wojciechowski event ($20 by cash, check or credit card)

  • By sending your typed/clearly printed request, mailing address, and a check payable to Debbie Wojciechowski for $20 per book + $4 total shipping to:

Wendy Miller

8482 Fort Smallwood Rd. # 229

Pasadena MD 21122

Make check payable to: Debbie Wojciechowski


THANK YOU SO MUCH for your support! We are so proud of this book. We put our hearts into it, and we are honored to share my story with you! Looking forward to seeing you at my next Mediumship event!

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What People Say

Barbara K.

I found the book read about her path and journey to becoming a medium, to accepting her gift and developing that talent. I was struck by her desire to use this gift to help others, her empathy as she relays the messages she receives, and her ongoing search to enhance her incredible ability.  

Goosebumps during some parts, and it actually made me feel validated in a lot of my own awakening and strengthening of my intuitive skills the last few years. I think I needed this book right now

While I've heard you speak about your experiences, having all the details and filling in the gaps of the story was fantastic for me!  Your humbleness and appreciation for all of your teachers and all  others who helped you along the way was in the forefront of the book.  Wendy did a great job of  capturing your unique story! 


Mike H.

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